

  • 分類:新聞中心
  • 作者:Gecko Musical
  • 來源:Gecko Musical
  • 發布時間:2019-06-26 18:02
  • 訪問量:


This summer with music more match! Gecko musical instrument was presented at the first Huiyang guitar exhibition in 2019

  • 分類:新聞中心
  • 作者:Gecko Musical
  • 來源:Gecko Musical
  • 發布時間:2019-06-26 18:02
  • 訪問量:

This summer with music more match! Gecko musical instrument was presented at the first Huiyang guitar exhibition in 2019

6月21日, 2019惠陽吉他荔枝嘉年(nián)華開幕式在惠州市惠陽體育會展中心的(de)隆重舉行,标志着惠陽一(yī)年(nián)一(yī)度“吉他+荔枝”的(de)盛夏之約正式拉開了序幕。這不僅充分展示了惠陽鮮明的(de)産業特色、深厚的(de)文化底蘊和(hé)豐富的(de)旅遊産品,還将進一(yī)步提升惠陽“吉他+荔枝”獨特的(de)品牌文化,以此來提高(gāo)惠陽的(de)知名度、美譽度。

On June 21, 2019, the opening ceremony of 2019 Huiyang guitar lychee carnival was held in Huizhou sports and exhibition center, marking the official opening of the annual "guitar + lychee" festival in Huiyang. This will not only fully display Huiyang's distinctive industrial features, profound cultural heritage and rich tourism products, but also further enhance the unique brand culture of "guitar + litchi" in Huiyang, so as to improve the popularity and reputation of Huiyang.


From June 21 to 23, 2019, the first Huiyang guitar exhibition was officially opened at the 
Huiyang sports and exhibition center. At the Huiyang guitar show, companies that manufacture guitars, ukuleles and other Musical Instruments all appeared. Among them, Gecko musical instrument with its guitar, ukulele, kalimba (thumba), Cajon drum, and other guitar and downstream related products is amazing at this exhibition, adding a power to the production of guitar in Huiyang, allowing the public to feel the charm of Huiyang, the capital of China's guitar industry.
尤其是傑高(gāo)樂(yuè)器旗下的(de)壁虎品牌拇指琴, 以其小巧獨特的(de)造型吸引了衆多對它感興趣的(de)人們,他們在工作人員的(de)講解中,紛紛拿起拇指琴試彈,親身體驗拇指琴簡單的(de)演奏方式和(hé)清脆的(de)音質。而且拇指琴具有藝術氣息的(de)風格和(hé)多種顔色更是取悅了衆人的(de)視(shì)覺審美,勾起了衆多樂(yuè)器愛好者滿滿的(de)購買欲。
In this exhibition, Gecko's thumb guitar and grand drum on display not only dazzled people, but also conveyed the interpretation methods and timbre expression of all kinds of percussion instruments to the public, attracting many spectators to stop and watch and experience. 
Especially the Gecko thumb harp, which is owned by Gecko musical instrument, attracts many people who are interested in it with its small and unique shape. During the explanation of the staff, they all pick up the thumb piano and try it out, experiencing the simple playing mode and clear sound quality. In addition, the artistic style and various colors of the thumb harp are pleasing to people's visual aesthetics, arousing many musical instrument lovers' desire to buy.
At the Gecko company booth, the person in charge with Gecko Musical Instrument Co,LTD  have show a section of the Cajon drum, It is the atmosphere of the scene to the climax. The small box, which requires only two hands to beat the drum, can play a variety of fantastic rhythm, which has aroused the curiosity of music fans, have come forward to feel the rhythm of wooden drum. Also, you can sit and beat the drum without getting tired.
“Appreciate Huiyang guitar litchi carnival, let us to have this opportunity, can bring us more and better products to show to the public” Gecko musical instrument person in charge Mr Peter. tells a reporter, he traveled in 2013 came to China to do the guitar, and found the guitar especially kerry in the fierce competition in the industry nearly saturated, so he had to put the targets in the downstream products of the guitar, the Cajon drum and Kalimba(thumb) this two kinds of instrument, the operation is simple, the easier, also easily popularized at present.
Currently, the two instruments produced by Gecko have found a niche both at home and abroad. Gecko Musical Instruments has also grown into Asia's largest professional production base for Cajon drums and kalimba. 
As a highly skilled team and experienced master carpenter, Gecko instruments always adhere to "to create high-quality products for customers, provide perfect after-sales service". In order to let more people know about these two instruments and promote the popularity of wooden drum and thumb harp, Gecko instruments attend various instrument exhibitions, and also collaborated with Chen tong, the godfather of Chinese tap dance, and April Yang, the pioneer of the development of Chinese thumb music, Hope that can make more people feel the music charm brought by wooden drum and thumb piano.
In addition, the Huiyang guitar exhibition attracted more than 35,000 people to participate in and play in the Huiyang sports and exhibition center in three days, bringing music a perfect encounter with beauty, vision and hearing.



友情鏈接:惠州市惠陽區秋長(cháng)傑高(gāo)樂(yuè)器廠   深圳市傑高(gāo)樂(yuè)器有限公司


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